3,497 research outputs found

    New Materiality in Intimate Care

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    Textiles have a long history of supporting personal health and wellbeing, and textile innovations concerned with the body abound. This paper delves into the biology of the body and brings to the fore its materiality as embodiment to reimagine modes of knowing in intimate care through textiles. It introduces two designerly studies of intimate care in women to advance that material engagement enables knowing and that the fabric of the body is a material of care in itself. In this paper, I embrace an epistemic practice that entwines a feminine sociocultural imaginary that challenges traditional approaches to health and care and, nonetheless, the design of textiles

    Intervención internacional a través de los medios de comunicación en sociedades posguerra: Perspectivas a partir de las epistemologías del sur

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    Over the past two decades, international intervention in post-war settings has strictly followed liberal assumptions and practices. Efforts to build and shape the media in the aftermath of armed conflict are no exception. In setting the foundations for the rule of law, liberal democracy and free market, external actors have (re)defined what constitutes the mediascape – that is, the various spheres of communication within public discourse – and how to (re)construct it. Imprinted with modernity’s tenets and western assumptions about the public space, this approach has understood the mediascape narrowly as limited to traditional, established, liberal media, serving to validate particular actors and processes whilst obscuring, neglecting and shutting off global diversity. Law and technology, this paper argues, are the two main axes through which legitimation and exclusion are effected. A myopic focus on legal and technological aspects of the media reduces a rich space of local discourses, norms and practices to western-like media legislation, training and outlets, narrowing in turn the sites for addressing violence and building peace.Durante las últimas dos décadas, la intervención internacional en contextos posguerra ha seguido estrictamente los supuestos y prácticas liberales. Los esfuerzos para construir y dar forma a los medios de comunicación después de los conflictos armados no son una excepción. Al sentar las bases del estado de derecho, de la democracia liberal y del libre mercado, los actores externos han definido lo que constituye el paisaje mediático, es decir, las diversas esferas de la comunicación en el discurso público y cómo reconstruirlo. Imbuido con los principios de la modernidad y los supuestos occidentales sobre el espacio público, este enfoque ha entendido el panorama mediático estrechamente como limitado a los medios tradicionales, establecidos y liberales, sirviendo para validar actores y procesos particulares mientras oscurece, descuida y cierra la diversidad global. El derecho y la tecnología, sostiene este documento, son los dos ejes principales a través de los cuales se efectúan la legitimación y la exclusión. Un enfoque miope en los aspectos legales y tecnológicos de los medios de comunicación que reduce un rico espacio de discursos, normas y prácticas locales a la legislación, la formación y los medios de comunicación de los medios occidentales, reduciendo a su vez los sitios para abordar la violencia y construir la paz

    Not all data is created equal: the promise and peril of algorithms for inclusion at work

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    Firms must improve processes to reduce bias in datasets and set AI on a positive path of supporting inclusion, writes Teresa Almeid

    Substructuring in four populations of African descent

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    When a suspect\u27s DNA profile is admitted into court as a match to evidence the probability of the perpetrator being another individual must be calculated from database allele frequencies. The two methods used for this calculation are phenotypic frequency and likelihood ratio. Neither of these calculations takes into account substructuring within populations. In these substructured populations the frequency of homozygotes increases and that of heterozygotes usually decreases. The departure from Hardy- Weinberg expectation in a sample population can be estimated using Sewall Wright\u27s Fst statistic. Fst values were calculated in four populations of African descent by comparing allele frequencies at three short tandem repeat loci. This was done by amplifying the three loci in each sample using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and separating these fragments using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The gels were then silver stained and autoradiograms taken, from which allele frequencies were estimated. Fst values averaged 0.007+- 0.005 within populations of African descent and 0.02+- 0.01 between white and black populations

    Índice da Global AgeWatch 2015: Sumário executivo

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    Tradução do inglês: "Global AgeWatch Index 2015: Insight report

    Knowledge management : critical perspectives on e-business activities

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    This article is both a review and an agenda-setting piece. It argues that knowledge management suffers from conceptual and definitional ambiguity, oversimplification of its development processes, and methodological limitations. Nevertheless, there is a consensus in business and academia that knowledge is a key component of success and allows firms to achieve and sustains competitive advantages. In a digital era, these advantages arise from the potential of data and information that can be gathered, processed, shared, and used to improve e-business activities. Thus, this research bridges the gap in the assessment of knowledge management and e-business relationship, by applying an SEM to a large database sample of KM activities performed by European firms.N/

    On being human: how behavioural science can help virtual working

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    By the time the pandemic is over, firms can have laid the groundwork for an engaged and connected workforce, write Teresa Almeida and Grace Lorda

    Moving from cheap talk to action: the case of diversity and inclusion

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    Recruiters must ask candidates for leadership positions to give past evidence that they have enabled diverse talent to thrive, write Teresa Almeida and Grace Lorda

    Inclusion, inequality, and responses to the cost-of-living crisis

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    With the costs of energy, housing, and food on the rise around the world, families are in desperate need of support. Some employers in the UK have been providing employees with food, discounts, and flexibility. Trade union membership is higher than in the past 30 years, but low-paid workers are underrepresented, and the government must provide targeted support for them. Sarah Ali and Teresa Almeida analyse business and government responses to the crisis and discuss the steps taken, how effective these forms of support have been, and the economic inequalities they have exacerbated

    "My sex-related data is more sensitive than my financial data and I want the same level of security and privacy": User Risk Perceptions and Protective Actions in Female-oriented Technologies

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    The digitalization of the reproductive body has engaged myriads of cutting-edge technologies in supporting people to know and tackle their intimate health. Generally understood as female technologies (aka female-oriented technologies or 'FemTech'), these products and systems collect a wide range of intimate data which are processed, transferred, saved and shared with other parties. In this paper, we explore how the "data-hungry" nature of this industry and the lack of proper safeguarding mechanisms, standards, and regulations for vulnerable data can lead to complex harms or faint agentic potential. We adopted mixed methods in exploring users' understanding of the security and privacy (SP) of these technologies. Our findings show that while users can speculate the range of harms and risks associated with these technologies, they are not equipped and provided with the technological skills to protect themselves against such risks. We discuss a number of approaches, including participatory threat modelling and SP by design, in the context of this work and conclude that such approaches are critical to protect users in these sensitive systems